Human Computer Interaction
Human-Robot Interactions and Interfaces
Micro Aerospace Solutions is pursuing cutting edge research in human-robot interaction, machine cognition, automation authority sharing and advanced interaction media consideration for human and robotic collaborative space exploration. We would like to apply human-like traits to robots and their interactions with humans, allowing for cooperative partnerships, and goal sharing. Some of the current projects that work towards this goal include:
Virtural Camera System for Human-Robotic Joint Exploration
Using a basic tablet mobile computing platform, the system is being developed as an exploration assistant for human remote planetary surface exploration.

Advanced Automation Issues for Control Rooms
The control room is the heart and communication center of any robotic system. However, as robotics become more automated allocation issues can arise. This study looks at the appropriate functional allocation assignments between human and machine in order to achieve the proper and most efficient balance. These concepts can be applied to the next generation small satellite space missions where fewer personnel will be available for the monitoring and control of complex science and exploration missions.
Digital Instrumentation and Control System Interfaces
New advances in technology are offering a vast array of new functionality that can be transferred from human to machine. We are currently looking at the digital I&C systems that are being proposed in order to achieve the maximum capabilities through the proper user interfaces of these control systems.

Automation Requirements
Small surface exploring robots on other planets are also being studied. We are answering questions such as how can they interact together? How can they be given more autonomy than current robotic space explorers? How can they effectively be remote agents representing the interest of a variety of Earth-based stakeholders such as scientists, mission operations people and the general public for participatory exploration?